TVS NTorq TVC- A story of speed, connectivity and being smart

If you are into the profession of marketing then you can relate on to this piece of writing. During last October 2022 our team received a brief from TVS Bangladesh that a TVC (Television commercial) needs to be made for their new product TVS NTorq. So before going into the details of the journey let me give you a brief background of the brand TVS.
TVS Motor Company (commonly known as TVS) is an Indian multinational motorcycle manufacturer headquartered in Chennai. It is the third-largest motorcycle company in India in terms of revenue. The company has annual sales of three million units and an annual production capacity of over four million vehicles. TVS Motor Company is also the second largest two-wheeler exporter in India with exports to over 60 countries. TVS Motor Company is the flagship company of the TVS Group, being the largest company of the group in terms of valuation and turnover. The logo for TVS Motor Company features a red horse.
So, coming back to the story, TVS briefed us to design a TVC for NTorq a bike that has Bluetooth connectivity and also has a good acceleration. So, after the briefing session the creative team sat and started the brainstorming on how we can relate to younger target audience with speed and easy connectivity. On the mid of October, we took our first script to present to both the Indian and Bangladeshi team. After countless feedbacks and more insight, we went back and came up with 7 different scripts backed up by data and other necessary details that would cater the audience we want to target. Then finally on early January the script got finally locked, now it was time to choose the director who will make the film.

The initial idea was to give the brief to 3 different director who has a distinct style and who we thought will be able to execute the film as per the brief. The idea was to create a fast-moving film, showcasing the Bluetooth connectivity, acceleration and the design of the brand along with an electronic music that would compliment the film. After a lot of negotiations and further showcasing of how the film will be executed the director was chosen.
The story is basically about a smart tech savvy guy who is going to surprise his girlfriend on her birthday but he has to manage everything as earliest as possible. The guy accelerates his way towards the place through the intense traffic filled city and orders everything through the bikes Bluetooth connectivity. Finally, his friends are surprised on how quickly and smartly he has arranged everything in such a short notice. The end note will show case the tagline “NTorq, Play Smart”

Tinsel town was the production house that was finally decided after a long negotiation. We decided to go for a pre-production meeting with us, client and the production house. After a month long of pre-production meeting we finally decided to go for shoot on the mid of march. The challenge was to make the film in just one day. The cast was selected in a way who is professional biker and would represent the young professional we are targeting.
The shoot started very early morning and we got into speed with the shots that showcased the city and the acceleration. Then we moved to Bangladesh film development corporation (FDC) where we built a huge set that showed the busy Dhaka traffic. Finally during the end we moved to purbachal and shot the final end of the film.
After almost 1 month of work on the post production and feedbacks from the client the TVC was finally on-aired during Eid-Ul-Adha. This TVC has been a complete image of acceleration and accessibility. Brandmyth team took that brief and executed it as per plan.